Concerned about Medical Malpractice Lawsuits?

This complete guide to Maximum Malpractice Protection will help you

  • Protect and safeguard your medical career and practice
  • Identify what is and isn't considered malpractice

Concerned about Medical Malpractice Lawsuits?

This complete guide to Maximum Malpractice Protection will help you

  • Readily comply with all legal duties required of doctors.
  • Prevent malpractice allegations and minimize liability.

Concerned about Medical Malpractice Lawsuits?

This complete guide to Maximum Malpractice Protection will help you

  • Take control to protect assets, and minimize personal and professional losses.
  • Work with your attorneys to establish the best possible defense.

Concerned about Medical Malpractice Lawsuits?

This complete guide to Maximum Malpractice Protection will help you

  • Walk through each clinical aspect of the patient encounter from the perspective of a malpractice attorney

Why This Book is Needed
What It Means to You

Dr. Charles Theisler

It is said of medicine that the work brings us as close to God as man can be. I agree. I’m a physician by training and a malpractice attorney by trade. I deeply respect the medical education I received for its quality and values; I also have the highest regard for my dedicated mentors and for all they shared with me and my colleagues, despite my brief time with them. In my opinion, medicine’s goal of providing relief from human suffering is the result of the most benevolent human urge in history.

Unfortunately, in this world troubles are universal and inevitable. Medicine for all its nobility has its own unique set of problems. Not least among them, just the thought of malpractice lawsuits with all their negative consequences rightfully strikes fear in the hearts of most physicians. As someone who has been on both sides of the table, I’ve witnessed those fears and faced oncoming legal horrors first hand. I’ll share my story below as an example
of the kinds of unexpected things that can go wrong.

The primary purpose of this book is to arm physicians with practical working knowledge. This is accomplished in two steps: 1) by providing straightforward facts and common sense explanations of legal concepts underlying medical malpractice in everyday terms, then 2) combining those clarifications with solid practical advice regarding how best to prevent malpractice allegations, minimize liability, properly and efficiently manage charges of malpractice that are brought, improve testimonial skills, better protect assets and minimize personal and professional losses. These are all critical informational pieces that are missing from a standard medical

It is my hope that this book can serve the greater good by helping others become better, more efficient, and more caring practitioners.


Maximum Malpractice Protection

Maximum Malpractice Protection

A Physician's Complete Guide
by Dr. Charles Theisler


Available in Hardback and Paperback versions

316 pages
6" x 9" format

$79.95 Paperback
$65.50 eBook

Charles Theisler

About the Author

Charles Theisler, a former steelworker, was born and raised in the heartland of Ohio’s iron and steel corridor. Skilled in medicine and the law, he possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of both fields.

After receiving undergraduate degrees in biology and psychology he went on to the University of Akron School of Law where he was drawn to the specialized field of medical malpractice. In an effort to expand his working clinical knowledge, he attended medical school and graduated as a trained physician and surgeon.

In addition to two U.S. patents for medical devices, he has an impressive medical and legal publications list.

He married his favorite former patient, raised a family, and continues to practice medical malpractice law. When he isn’t glued to a medical or legal book, he spends time working outdoors or writing.

Praise for Maximum Malpractice Protection

  • Very detailed and comprehensive. It gives great insight, is very easy to read and follows a straightforward order. The real-life examples help break up the technical information and make the book more personal and relatable. There is a lot of very clear and concise advice here that will hopefully help keep a few more docs out of trouble! The rules listed out to prevent malpractice were great and I am sure something most doctors would love to have as a quick reference.

    Eoin M. Halpin, DMD

  • Dr. Charles Theisler has written a new book, Maximum Malpractice Protection: A Physician’s Complete Guide. I have been a medical malpractice expert witness for plaintiff and defense work for 20 years. I am in a well-qualified position to review this new book. It is an incredibly well written and extremely thorough review of the entire medical malpractice subject. This is a must read for all doctors, especially new physicians who have just finished their residency and fellowship. I even go so far as to suggest all medical practices and malpractice carriers provide this book to all new associates and new hires. Every section shines; the mock deposition is spot on.

    Jason Brajer, MD

  • …[A]n excellent guide for all healthcare professionals. The complicated inside workings of a malpractice suit are explained simply, logically, and understandably.
    I wish that all our clients had read this work for their own protection. I would recommend this book to anyone currently working in or considering a career in healthcare.

    C. John Keane, Jr.

  • This book is a truly excellent overview and explanation of the complex medical malpractice arena that only a doctor/lawyer could provide. If you want to know how to protect yourself from the vicissitudes of that kind of litigation, read this book.

  • Maximum Malpractice Protection is a thorough and easy read on a difficult subject matter. It is an essential blueprint for all practicing physicians to understanding the intersection of law and medicine. Knowledge is power and this guide provides the bulwark for physicians in our complicated legal system.

    Edward J. Vogel, MD, FACOG

  • Well thought out, organized and timely information for anyone faced with the reality of our current medical-legal system. This book should be the first step in acquiring the necessary information for both beginning students, as well as, established practitioners.

    Stephen M. Cohen, MD, MBA, FACS, FASCRS

  • Dr. Theisler’s book should be standard reading for all medical schools. It is a comprehensive, easy to access look into all the legal pitfalls that a practicing
    physician needs to know. Any physician following Dr. Theisler’s pearls of legal wisdom will save money, reduce their legal heartaches, and will provide his/
    her patients with optimal care. I can’t recommend his book highly enough. It is a must read.

    Andrew Lawson, MD, FACEP